The Health Protection & Education Center provides culturally sensitive community-based services to protect the health of individuals and communities focusing on the prevention and mitigation of infectious, chronic diseases and violence. We also provide supportive employment and case management services to improve the well-being of clients with a history of addiction or mental health conditions.


Immunization Action Plan (IAP)

The IAP program is a public health initiative ensuring that children and adolescents fully follow the immunization schedule recommended by the Center for Disease Control (Birth-18 Years). Its main goal is to increase immunization rates among children and adults for the prevention of infectious diseases at the individual and community level.

The program provides services in Hartford, East Hartford, Manchester, Windsor, Middleton, and Meriden. This Program is funded by the CT Department of Public Health.

Click on the below links to learn more about the IAP program and CT WiZ:

Immunization Action Plan (COVID)

Program staff conducts intensive community outreach promoting COVID-19 vaccination sites and provides information and education about COVID-19 at different community locations.

The program targets Hispanics living in Hartford and greater Hartford area. This Program is funded by The CT Department of Public Health, The City of Hartford, and United Way.

Mobile and Supportive Employment Services

  • The program provides employment support services to adults with mental health problems. Program staff assist individuals with all phases of employment services. They assess clients’ skills, abilities and preferences, and develop a job seeking plan for each client.
  • The program relies on a network of potential employers to help them to explore job opportunities for their clients. It also provides employment retention support.

Ryan White Part B Program

The program provides medical case management and social support services to low-income HIV/AIDS positive individuals. Its main purpose is to ensure that clients have access to adequate healthcare and medication to manage their condition necessary to maintain their health and quality of life. This program is funded by Yale New Haven Hospital and the CT Department of Public Health.

Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI)

The purpose of DVPI is to decrease risk factors in the community that may lead to intimate partner violence and to increase protective factors that prevent it. Also, implements comprehensive strategies that address individual, and societal factors to stop violence before it begins. The program targets low-income, minority Latino families.